Monday 13 July 2009

Pulled In All Directions

Do you ever feel like you're being pulled in a bazillion directions? Has it ever felt like you need about four extra hours in the day? It seems like my days are all like that lately. And part of the problem is me trying to fulfill all these responsibilities. Kids, if you're reading this, don't grow up. Life just gets complicated. In all seriousness, though, you have to keep a good head on your shoulders, and the only way to do that is to keep that noggin of yours protected. Hockey, of course, requires all players to wear a helmet, and I think it's important that HBIC not only be a source of informative and entertaining articles, but also articles that help hockey players, hockey parents, and hockey coaches.

The very first thing that is more important in keeping your head protected is finding a helmet that fits you properly. I went digging into through the Youtube Archives of Hockey to see if I could find any visual help, and the Archives came through. Let's start with getting a helmet that fits.

Of course, not every helmet is designed to fit every single noggin out there. Let's take a look at how you can adjust the helmet for a better fit.

Once you get the fit and sizing just right, it's all about protecting your head at all costs, so please don't be like some NHL players and have the strap all loose. That's a bad idea, kids. Tighten it up just enough that two fingers can fit snugly under your chin with the strap done up. We don't need any brain injuries through carelessness after you've gone and bought a good helmet and had it sized properly.

Once you've got yourself set, hit the ice and have some fun!

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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