Tuesday 26 July 2011

Paging Playoff Pool Winners...

So I've found out that I have a little problem. Actually, it's a big problem, and it's been happening for about a week and a half. In admitting this, I completely and fully admit that I think my brain hasn't been functioning for the past month as I work through some of the stuff that I'm tackling in life outside this blog. Hence the title of this blog, and my need to get in contact with the winners of the HBIC Playoff Pool. You see, I went mental (apparently) and decided to delete all of the emails in order to clean up the inbox. By doing so, I also deleted all my contact information for everyone. Stupid, right?

Because I have a touch of OCD when it comes to deleting email and keeping my mailbox neat and tidy, I also deleted all of the trash. And that's why I've been struggling with contacting a few of you. If any of the following people, their friends, or their family is reading this, please have them contact me here ASAP:
  • Matthew S. I have a prize for you.
  • David F. I have a prize for you as well.
As for the real life stuff, here's the deal. I start a brand-new job on Wednesday that has a lot of opportunity attached to it, but I'm still battling my way through a few more interviews with some companies who seem really interested in my services. It's been a real struggle to find good jobs such as these, and I've turned down a couple of job offers that really would have been limited in the opportunities that came with them. As it stands, I am officially employed by two companies starting Wednesday morning, and we'll see where this takes me. As for having more interviews, I have a second interview on Thursday with an interested company, so anything can still happen.

Finally, I am really excited about a book that I'll be presenting on Wednesday as the HBIC Summer Literacy Project continues. This one was not on the list of books that I had wanted to cover, but I think this is one of those books that should not be missed. I really enjoyed the book, and I'll present it tomorrow if work isn't too busy on my first day.

Thanks for hanging in there, kids. I know I haven't been as true to my word with prizes as I should have been, but I'm getting there. Real life just keeps interrupting this blogging stuff as I work towards a better life with as much hockey as possible in it. Every single time I come here, though, someone has some words of encouragement or a kind note, and those keep me coming back for more. Thanks for reading, everyone, and if you know one or both of the men above, have them contact me ASAP!

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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