Wednesday 2 May 2012

It Could Be Your May Day

With this being HBIC's fifth anniversary of being live on the interwebs, I said I would give away a lot of stuff this year. Thus far, I have rewarded a number of people for taking part in the contests I have been running, and I am here to announce that I'll be rewarding someone else for an Article of the Month entry again. May will be a busy time for me, so read on if you want to win something for free. All it will take is a little thoughtfulness and creativity on your part, so warm up the old thinking cap because you have a chance to earn something for a little elbow grease!

HBIC will be taking its show on the road this May. I've decided that I need some time away from work and life in general, so I'm loading up the old HBIC mobile and I'm heading to Milwaukee and Chicago for a couple of weeks. The dates set thus far are May 12 through to May 28, and I'm pretty much avoiding all sports except for baseball in terms of my attendance in those two weeks. I'll still catch the NHL playoffs when possible, but with the Milwaukee Admirals, Chicago Blackhawks, and Chicago Wolves all bowing out of their playoff runs early, there will be no hockey to see live and in-person while on my trip.

With that in mind, I will be on the road for a few days, and my itinerary has me running around to see the sights and sounds of the western Lake Michigan coastal cities. This is where you come in. HBIC is going to again offer up some prizes for the best guest blogger in May. You can submit one or many articles, and all will be judged based upon the same merit of "did it resonate with me". You don't have to write a million-word article, but I would like some thought to go into the article that you write.

Here are the guidelines for your piece that you submit in order of importance:
  • It's gotta be about hockey. If it's about anything else, it will automatically be discarded.
  • If it's a historical piece, that's even better.
  • If it's a historical piece about a non-NHL team, you're doing very well.
I'll still be adding articles about the cities I visit much like I did on my trek to Texas a couple of years ago, so it's not like I'll be abandoning ship for two weeks. However, there were some excellent guest posts that were contributed during my trip to the Lone Star State, and I'd like to see that continue. I've always maintained that this is a blog "of the people, by the people, for the people", and I find it especially rewarding when your voices are heard. I'll provide the soapbox, you provide the oration.

Start the old noggin up, readers, and scribe a piece of interest to you. Send it here, and I'll post it up on HBIC for the world to read. The topic is entirely up to you, and nothing will be ignored if your article is about hockey. HBIC looks forward to what you're thinking!

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!


  1. A few days ago, I posted a piece about NHL hockey on my own blog, "The Tomatoes Diary", although I don't usually write about hockey. Would this piece, titled "A Need for Less Speed in the NHL," be eligible for your contest. Please check it out. I want more hockey fans to look at it, and give me a knowedgeable, honest, critique.

  2. Sedn it on over! I'd be happy to repost it on my site! :o)

  3. Make that "send". Spelng cownts!
