Tuesday 5 August 2014

The House That Cherry Owned?

Well, that's a sprawling pad, isn't it? Reportedly, this mansion was once owned by Hockey Night in Canada icon Don Cherry! The reason I'm talking about it is that the 10,500 square-foot home is going up for auction on August 17 for approximately $8 million, and it would be any hockey lover's dream to own Don Cherry's former pad.

Except it isn't his pad. And never was.

The auctioneers released a statement this afternoon stating that the owner had told them that the hockey icon had once owned the home. It seems a little hard to believe that Don Cherry would own a home of this size in Mississauga, Ontario, but he did own the OHL's Mississauga IceDogs at one point, so maybe there was an iota of truth in Mr. Cherry owning the house?

That chance of truth was killed pretty quick by Mr. Cherry himself.
I'm not sure what kind of recourse Mr. Cherry has for this, but I assume that he's not going to get proceeds of the sale of the home after they tried to trump up bids using his name. At least they retracted their claim of it being his house, I suppose. Still, though, you have to think that Mr. Cherry wasn't too pleased at this turn of events.

Whether it be eBay or a reputable auction house, readers, I have always maintained the caveat emptor stance. If it seems too good to be true and the seller provides no proof of authenticity other than one's word, you're taking a leap of faith when trying to win said auction. Especially when potentially laying down eight figures for a house.

If you wanted to live in and own Don Cherry's home, you're simply going to have to wait until he sells his house. Until then, caveat emptor, readers!

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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