Wednesday 17 January 2018

A Capital N And O

If you've been following Hockey Blog In Canada for a while, you know that I hold the logo on the jersey to be sacrosanct. It is the brand of the franchise, it is the mark of professionalism, and it is what people instantly identify when it comes to one's team. In short, it's the team's identity. You simply don't mess with a team's logo for any reason when you're talking about an identity. It was the driving factor in the New York Islanders scrapping the Fisherman logo and reverting back to their classic logo in the mid-1990s. It's one of the reasons why the Pittsburgh Penguins scrapped the Robot Pigeon for the Skating Penguin. And it's part of the reason why both the Ottawa Senators and the Tampa Bay Lightning saw their alternate jerseys lag in sales compared to other teams. It's simple: don't mess with a logo that is instantly recognizable and a part of a team's success.

When the Washington Capitals were announced as one of the Stadium Series teams this season, I wasn't overly excited. Their last attempt at the 2015 Winter Classic left something to be desired, and the NHL as a whole has seen the design of the jerseys for their outdoor games get worse as the years roll on. Sure, there have been a few solid designs like what Toronto wore at the Centennial Classic in 2017, but the vast majority of the jerseys seen on players at the outdoor games have been mostly forgettable.

Ladies and gentlemen, let the tradition continue.
This is ridiculous. Who in their right mind designs something like this, steps back, and says to one's self, "That's an NHL uniform right there"? This uniform has "burning tire fire" written all over it, and the NHL is going to make the Capitals wear these monstrosities in Annapolis on March 3 against the Toronto Maple Leafs. What a joke.

For the love of all things good and sensible in this world, the team's name is not "Caps". As a nickname and when used colloquially, the term "Caps" works. On internet hockey forums, "Caps" is acceptable. "Caps", however, is not the team's name. It never has been, and it never was. They're the Washington Capitals. This idea is as dumb as it was when Ottawa wore "Sens" and Tampa Bay wore "Bolts". That's not your identity. It's a nickname. It's not how the team and franchise is identified. This is utter crap, and shame on anyone who thinks it's even on the same planet as "acceptable".

Can someone explain the foot-tall hem stripe to me? Can someone explain the six-inch arm bands? Is it the NHL's intention to dress their teams in what appears to be pajamas?

Honestly, these are officially the worst jerseys in the history of NHL hockey of all-time. Without doubt. The fact that the Capitals will only wear these uniforms once this season - for now, at least - is the only redeeming quality I can find. There is nothing from which one can derive pride regarding these jerseys, and I'd probably revoke my fan status if I were a Capitals fan after seeing this jersey. I kid you not. Zero hyperbole. I hate these jerseys THAT much. Collect them all, douse them in gasoline, burn them, and then douse the ashes and burn them again. Have I made it clear how awful I think these jerseys are yet?

You're welcome to leave comments, but it's not going to change my opinion. WORST. JERSEYS. EVER.

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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