Wednesday 26 August 2020

The Leadership Of Hrudey

Ryan Reeves. Jamie Benn. Tyler Seguin. Robin Lehner. I know hockey is a primarily white sport and, when it comes to diversity, there isn't much to speak of, but seeing these four men take a knee to support the Black Lives Matter fight was inspiring. Would I like to have seen more player do what they did? Absolutely, but there's little one can do to change history. Tonight, though, as Canada tuned into Hockey Night in Canada's coverage of these playoffs, there was a sombre mood as the broadcast began after the NBA players staged an incredible display of strength in their protest.

I feel blessed and eternally grateful that I was able to interview Kelly Hrudey on The Hockey Show earlier this summer. We had a short conversation before and after the show, and I will always be in Kelly's debt for his kind words and allowing me an opportunity to talk to one of the players I idolized while growing up.

Tonight, I found a whole new level of respect and admiration for Kelly Hrudey for what he said on Hockey Night in Canada regarding the games being played as you read this.

I stand with Kelly Hrudey. I agree with his comments, and I do believe that having the NHL playing games tonight is entirely tone-deaf considering the vast number of athletes in other sports using their platforms to demand change.

I rarely dive into politics on this blog, but let's be clear: this isn't a political matter. This is about equality for the BIPOC community and their treatment at the hands of law enforcement, in society, and by each and every one of us in our interactions. Equality matters, and we'll only achieve more when equality is found for each and every one of us.

Thank you for your powerful words tonight, Kelly. Hopefully, we'll see the NHL and NHLPA step up after dropping the ball in a big way tonight. Sports should bring us together, and that's precisely what needs to happen as we seek equality for those folks who have faced so much systemic racism.

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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