Saturday 12 June 2021

A Sunburned Post

The person in the image to the left is not me, but that is a pretty crazy sunburn. Like the person in the image, though, I spent the entire day outdoors, soaking up the great weather and the hours of sunlight that was offered by Mother Nature. The only problem is that my genetic make-up sees me turn red pretty quickly, so I sit here tonight in the cool of the air conditioning while my skin gives off copious amounts of heat thanks to the sunburn I acquired. Needless to say, I'm not feeling the writing mood tonight.

A few weeks back, I was talking with a friend about doing an article on the jerseys I have stashed in my closet after we were laughing at some of the jerseys I've acquired over the years. There were a lot of "why do you even have that" comments from him, so it was a fun chat. That being said, I made mention that I should do another article on the jerseys I have, and he said it would be hilarious to see an NHL '94 version of my closet.

That comment stuck with me as a brilliant concept that I should use, so here's my closet if it were featured as an NHL Hockey lineup.
I've listed the players on the right of the jerseys, but I didn't list any of the teams featuring these players. I think it's more fun trying to figure out what jersey I have based on the player information and the representation shown by the jerseys on the "lineup". I will say that I had to design a few of the jerseys myself, so don't be too hard on my 8-bit design skills.

There are more to add, though, as they come back from being customized. This pandemic has allowed me to explore my creativity in creating some fun jerseys, and I'm sure there will be more that can and will be added as I get them back with names and numbers on them. Keep your eyes on this site for more fun that way.

How many players and teams can you correctly associate on that image? Leave a few guesses in the comments if you like, and we can discuss my rather crazy jersey closet. There are some beauties in there, so feel free to have a laugh like my friend did.

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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