Monday 11 October 2021

Holiday Monday

I will be the first person to tell you that I have zero interest in celebrating Thanksgiving. Like Brooklyn Nine-Nine's Jake Peralta, I too believe that turkey tastes of napkins. Or wet cardboard. I don't care for it on this holiday or any other holiday including the December one. You may like it and that's entirely fine. I'm just saying it is not and never will be for me. I don't understand how this foul fowl was determined to be a holiday delicacy when it tastes like one is eating a paper bag, but the pilgrims were weird, their tradition of turkey isn't my tradition, and I plan on leaving those feathered creatures in a forest without being bothered.

Getting past that piece of business, I will be sitting down with my family for a meal this evening so I'll be away from the computer for most of the day. In saying that, I think I may have earned a day off with everything I've been doing behind the scenes for the Bisons women's hockey broadcasts this season, so I'm taking the day off. Despite hockey news breaking and the LA Kings unveiling a new jersey, everything is on hold today.

Oh, you came looking for something to read or do? Well, I have a stationary bike at HBIC Headquarters that I ride from time to time, but I have a little envy for those who have Pelotons and can cycle to some sort of amazing scenery that makes it feel more like a bike ride. With winter coming, the options to get out on the bike will soon be limited to "not gonna happen", so I needed something to really focus my bike riding indoors.

If you're like me and scoffing at the costs of a Peloton or some other bike of similar stature, perhaps you may want to check out! I set it up on my iPad and cycle for as long as necessary while listening to the various radio stations they have programmed into the site. There are a ton of cities from across the world, and you can ride down streets and avenues from all corners of the globe!

Maybe stationary bike riding isn't your thing, though. You can still click on the link and go for a ride in some other city than your own. When cooped up inside over winter, wouldn't it be great to hit the open road in a warm, sunny country? Ok, it's not entirely the same, but a drive somewhere different can be entirely relaxing. The site offers that!

Speaking about driving, I gotta hit the road so I can participate in a non-turkey dinner on this holiday. It'll be good to be with family and friends, and I'm definitely thankful for that opportunity after missing out on holidays during the pandemic. Don't take this time with loved ones for granted, readers.

Enjoy the day if you're celebrating, and we'll be back tomorrow!

Until next time, keep your (drum)sticks off my plate!

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