Monday 31 January 2022

Non-Green Huskies?

Normally, I'm all for teams and organizations going green in today's world, but the Saskatchewan Huskies women's hockey team announced today that they're going to eliminate the green in their jerseys for one night for a very good cause. The logo to the left is that of Haven Kids' House, formerly known as Saskatoon Crisis Nursery, will be the benefactors of this decision as the Huskies will don special jerseys as they raise funds for Haven Kids' House for this week through a variety of methods before playing the MacEwan Griffins on February 4! Because I'm all about raising money for a good cause, let's take a closer look at this event!

As you can see to the right, the Huskies will don a new jersey for February 4's game against the Griffins, and we'll take a closer look at that below. Haven Kids' House, though, needs a deeper dive because this great charity does some amazing work in Saskatoon in helping to protect children during crises. More than that, though, Haven Kids' House assist parents and caregivers as well, and they do so without any judgment in any situation. Haven Kids' House ensures that kids can find support when parents and/or caregivers are struggling by providing support, encouragement and access to services such as community-based childcare, mental health and medical assistance for parents, and a safe place for children and parents when more serious problems arise.

One of the special guests at the game on Friday will be a young man by the name of Rhodes McNairn who has earned the nickname "The Champ". Two years ago at the age of five, Rhodes was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and had to stay at the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital. Rhodes met a nurse there who was a big hockey fan, and her and Rhodes developed a friendship as he received chemotherapy for six months. Always quick with a big smile, Rhodes made an impact on this young nurse with his positivity despite everything that was happening to him. Rhodes would need to go to Alberta to receive a stem cell transplant, but the good news is that the leukemia has been in remission since 2020!

The Huskies decided to honour the young man this season with their annual charity game with proceeds from the effort going to Haven Kids' House because of their mission statement which includes "love of family is critical for children's success". Rhodes' family was put through a lot of long days and nights as he battled leukemia, and his parents, Kelly and Sharlene, and his brother and sister, Ethan and Rion, were there every step of the way at the hospital.

A hockey team is like a family, and it should be noted that the nurse he befriended was none other than current Saskatchewan Huskies captain Bailee Bourassa, and she brought The Champ's story back to Merlis Belsher Place when she returned this season. His story made an impact on the team, and this Friday's game will see Rhodes "The Champ" McNairn honoured for his courage in his battle with leukemia while celebrating the friendship that he and Bailee forged while he bravely went for treatment.

The Huskies will wear the jerseys above for Friday's game, and they are absolutely gorgeous in their design. Head coach Steve Kook had been working on these uniforms for some time before they were revealed today, and I'll be the first to say that the effort certainly was worth it as the Huskies will look classy when they take the ice on Friday. They're clean, simple, and look fantastic!

The rear of the jersey is easy to read, the names and numbers stand out, and they look fantastic with the ribbon on the shoulders and "Champ" on the sleeves to honour Rhodes. I did note that the sleeve stripe number might be better in white than just an outline, but that's a quibble that can be shrugged off pretty quickly. I'll also note that I owe Dave, the Huskies' equipment manager, a huge "thanks" for sending me and letting me post these pictures so you can see the uniforms a little better. Thanks, Dave!

There will be all sorts of activities put on by the Huskies this week, so keep your eyes on social media and on the Huskies' website for opportunities to help the Huskies raise a little cash for Haven Kids' House. There's a rumour that there will be a silent auction, so there's a chance to get some great prizes through the Huskies as well with those proceeds going to Haven Kids' House. It's a win-win for everyone in that case!

I want to throw out a big kudos to the Saskatchewan Huskies for their annual effort in raising funds for amazing charities in and around Saskatoon. Like they've done in past years, they've selected a charity that is close to the team, and it's pretty clear that the friendship that Bailee and Rhodes have forged is one that won't be forgotten any time soon with these amazing uniforms and the money raised for Haven Kids' House!

Bailee Bourassa also deserves a little attention for making a new friend and helping to tell his story. Having spent time in a children's hospital as a kid, I know it can be a lonely, scary place for some, so having Bailee make Rhodes' experiences there better by removing some of the fears he may have had is phenomenal. She was already an incredible hockey player so I'd consider her a hero of mine, but to hear how she's a heckuva nurse and spends her days making kids days better? She's a real-life superhero. Period. Case closed.

If you have the means, get down to Merlis Belsher Place on Friday as the Huskies host the Griffins to see the Huskies wear these great jerseys while helping an amazing charity in Saskatoon and celebrating a young man who stared down leukemia and won while making a lifelong friend. If all of those great storylines can't convince you to check out Huskies women's hockey, just go and catch a great game between two fantastic hockey teams!

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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