Monday 18 March 2024

Road Trip Time

If there's one thing that I wish I could do more often, it's hopping in the car for a road trip. I can't explain it, but the feeling of having the open road in front of one's vehicle combined with the ability to go and stop wherever one wants appeals to me like nothing else, so road-tripping anywhere is something I cherish! It was time to head home, though, so we packed up the car and headed east from Saskatoon back to Winnipeg.

If you're here for hockey chatter today, there won't be much. It's a quick entry on the fun of road trips, why I like them, and some of the things I incorporate into road trips that make the time pass by faster. Nothing on this entry is scientifically proven as being true or accurate, but this stuff works for me when driving a longer distance. Feel free to chuckle at me if you like.

One of the most important things I usually have is a plan. Obviously, things can change depending on a number of factors, but knowing where one will stop for important necessities like gasoline, food, and bathroom breaks means that there is a clear timeline on when one will arrive at one's destination. There's no hard-and-fast rule on deviating from this plan - sometimes, you have to - but knowing that the first stop for gasoline coincides with a lunch break is more efficient than stopping twice.

I'll be very honest: I'm a coffee-while-driving guy, especially if travelling early in the morning or later in the evening. Driving with a coffee is that one thing that keeps me going because I can use it to break my focus on the road. I assure you that it's not due to the caffeine since I can drink a cup of coffee before bed and not have my sleep affected. And sorry, Tim Hortons, but your coffee might be some of the worst driving coffee there is. McDonald's coffee is my go-to when on the road because it tastes like coffee.

Obviously, snacks in the car also help to make the trip fun, but I've recently implemented some new snacks that have changed the snack game in my vehicle. While one can buy a breakfast sandwich or bring along granola bars in the morning, I've been bringing along a lot of high-protein snacks for a quick bite while driving. Various cheeses and meats really keep the hunger pangs at bay without the elevated sugar levels in some snacks, so having those on-hand has made the difference. I'll just add that my appreciation for Swiss cheese has grown immensely.

The last essential for me is a good soundtrack for driving. You can almost put anything that has good tempo and a solid beat on the radio, and I'd be listening, likely singing along, and occasionally dancing in the driver's seat. That keeps the energy up on a long road trip, but I also don't mind some talk radio if the topics are interesting. There was both music and hockey chatter in the car on the way home as SiriusXM's NHL Network Radio was on for a while as we cruised through the prairies listening to the topics du jour before switching back to music. Needless to say, a good soundtrack or discussion helps the time pass by much quicker!

I should be home this afternoon, so don't expect much as I start unpacking the car and getting things re-organized as I fall back into life. I do have to work tomorrow, and a long drive usually can be remedied by a good night's sleep so I'm up and ready to roll the following day. I suspect that will happen today, but we'll see how I feel when I get home.

It was a helluva week in Saskatoon where I was privileged and honoured to watch some of the best women's hockey Canada will see this year. We'll let the teams reset for next season as The Rundown goes into its offseason as well, and I'll have to make a few decisions come September next season to see if it returns. If you want to see it return, leave a comment about what you like, don't like, or anything else regarding The Rundown. Your comments may sway me into another season of fun here on HBIC!

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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