Monday 20 May 2024

Kicking Off Summer Growth

Those are neither my hands nor is that my plant, but I spent most of today outside doing yard work. The lawn needed to be cut, there was some weeding to do, and the annual ritual of planting the garden began. Every year, I try to add something new to the garden that I haven't grown before, and we'll see if this year's new recruit produces solid returns. With it being the May Long Weekend in Canada and today being Victoria Day, garden centers around the city were busy as the official start of summer began with everyone planting their gardens!

Because I did yard work virtually all day, I watched zero hockey. My goal this evening is to also watch zero hockey as I'm tired from doing a ton of work. I find that if I do work outside all day, the fresh air seems to add another layer of tiring me out, but being out in the warmth and seeing plants and insects starting their summer growth will always make me smile.

Among the various live plants I bought for planting, I have five different types of peppers planted, three types of tomatoes, some onions, and, for the first time ever in my garden, I'm trying broccoli as a garden plant. I've heard it's not a difficult plant to manage, but I have come around to like broccoli as a vegetable in my meals - specifically on the grill - so we'll see how this turns out.

For now, though, I need a shower to get all this dirt and mud off me from playing in the garden, and I'm pretty certain that I've started the farmer's tan thanks to the t-shirt I was wearing. The rest of the night will be relaxing and getting ready for the week as I'll be busy! More on that as we get into it this week, but there's all sorts of great hockey still being played. If you haven't been watching, the IIHF World Hockey Championship has been incredible as well, so don't just think playoff hockey is the only hockey worth watching.

I'm off to take a hot shower and call it a night. I'll be back with more hockey and life chatter this week, but the garden is mostly planted which is a big job off the checklist.

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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