Sunday 16 June 2024

Everyone Is Busy

The abode pictured to the left is not HBIC Headquarters, but my house has looked like that at times throughout the build-up to summer. I'm not a fan of letting my grass grow extra long as the effort to cut becomes more laborious, but my schedule for the next week will hinder any plans to stay on top of yardwork needing to be done. Thanks to various commitments by other people, I have something scheduled for every night until next Sunday beginning tonight. I don't fault people for being busy because everyone deserves to have a life, but I suddenly wonder how I'm going to have one if I never have time to make that happen.

I will say that the majority of the commitments I'm now required to attend are baseball games I'm being paid to watch, so I'm not complaining loudly about that part. After all, getting paid to watch baseball is a pretty cool gig and I'm not about to give that up for a night off. That being said, though, I've easily worked the most nights early on in this season, and the idealism of "spreading the shifts around to all" seems to have hit a few snags thanks to people needing time off for their commitments.

Let me be clear that yardwork has never and will never prompt me to take a day off work from any job. The length of the grass was getting longer in previous weeks thanks to the combination of rain and sunlight helping it jumpstart its growth, but I got it all mowed down to a reasonable length for any home owners' association yesterday. No one should consider my house abandoned based on the lawn care and flowerbed weeding I'm keeping for this week. Hopefully.

For the record, I don't live under any HOA rules either. I have nothing against anyone who moves into a community where one exists, but the idea that specific people can determine what you can and cannot do to your property seems rather idiotic to me. Before any HOA people or anyone in an HOA community jumps all over me, I'm not crtiticizing your person, your property, or anything in between; rather, I don't get why anyone can tell me what plants I'm allowed to have in my flowerbed. That seems like madness from my perspective.

Consider this your warning that I won't be watching a lot of hockey this week with both the Stanley Cup and Calder Cup Finals underway. It's almost like the universe is telling me that I should have walked away from this blog on the original end date of when the U SPORTS National Championship ended. In any case, my busy week starts this evening and runs through to and includes Sunday next weekend.

No rest for the wicked, right?

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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