Monday 3 June 2024

Generic Placeholder Logos

It's hard to sell a product without a name or a brand that people recognize. While one can certainly push forward without a name for one's business, it's hard for fans to align themselves with a nameless, brand-less entity. I'll credit the PWHL for finding success while all six teams played without logos or names, but NHL teams use their names and branding for all sorts of marketing and events in order to build a fanbase and sell it's product. You're likely aware that the Utah franchise won't have a name this season, but it seems that the newly-relocated hockey team will be using a generic logo for the first season after trademark applications were filed for eight non-descript logos.

I'll go on record and say that I'm going to have a hard time supporting a Utah team that doesn't have a name. Part of the fun of watching the Kraken and the Golden Knights move from nameless franchise to branded entity is seeing how they used their brandings to promote the team. Whether it's the Kraken lurking in the depths of the ocean or the Golden Knights defending their castle, the marketing departments kick into high gear once a name is introduced. That's why it's fun - the promotional marketing is so creative!

What is Utah proposing for at least one season? Check out the logos.
Clearly, there's a lot left to be desired when it comes to these logos, but it seems that Utah will play their first season of existence in the NHL under one of these designs. I do like the state-backed "Utah" in the design on the left, but that circular logo to the right of it has a traditional hockey feel to it. None of them are great, but the first two would work better than the two logos on the right. In fact, if they used the logo on the left as a shoulder logo and the circular logo next to it as the chest logo, they'd look like a solid beer league team.

The circular logo, for what it's worth, has been spotted on as per, so we know that the NHL is using the circular logo as the Utah placeholder for now. Whether that's the logo they use on their uniforms next season is still up for debate, but it seems the NHL will be using it whenever they post something Utah-related. Again, it's not a bad logo by any means, but it certainly doesn't evoke any Utah imagery or anything to do with the Beehive State.

If you do like the logos and/or colours chosen for the logos, I should warn you that the organization has made it clear any logo, uniform, and name used this season will be temporary. There's zero guarantee that the Utah team will wear any of these logos or colours beyond the first season, so don't get too attached to what you see above. The final product may be considerably different.

Let's not forget that owner Ryan Smith's appearance on ESPN's The Pat McAfee Show last week revealed that the franchise is close to narrowing its choices for a name once again. Consider me disappointed that there were no bee-related names revealed by Smith, but I guess being the Beehive State and having an arena called "The Hive" might be too easy. In any case, Smith told McAfee, "I think Mammoth is up there. I think Yeti is up there. I think a couple other ones are up there. It should be good."

You can make the blue and black work with Yeti as we see with the former Winnipeg Ice's logo, so I really hope they don't stray into that territory as it's been done already. Mammoth would be fun considering the size of the animal, but it should be noted that there is a Colorado Mammoth lacrosse team playing in the NLL so will we see the state to the north take that name? I'm not sure either should be used despite how good the names are if we're aiming for something unique. Time will tell, though.

In the end, the generic Utah logos seen above will be what NHL fans in Utah cheer next season. It's not pretty, but they get the job done on the jerseys assuming they're used. If the players can get the job done on the ice when it comes to making the playoffs and winning games, I'm not sure anyone will care which if these logos was worn.

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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