Saturday 14 September 2024

What's Hockey?

This is just a quick update between games so you know I haven't abandoned HBIC entirely. It's playoff weekend for the softball league I'm in, so there's a pile of moving parts and math being done to see who needs to defeat whome when it comes to keeping playoff hopes alive. The round-robin in this tournament is like the old World Junior Championship setup where there top-two teams meet in the final based on record, so these games matter for everyone. A not-so-good season can be turned around in one weekend!

I'll say that we had a season that may have surprised a few people as we were elevated from the B-Side pool in the spring to the A-Side pool where the teams are bigger, faster, stronger... generally better. I don't think a lot of people would have expected to see us on the A-Side, but here we are with a 1-1 record after upsetting a team last night and falling just short against a team this morning. It's not pretty, but we're holding our own!

With that being said, I'll be back on the field in a couple of hours for another game against a team that's a veritable all-star team. This will be a David-vs-Goliath type of upset if we can pull it off, but the chances of that happened seem slim. Maybe closer to none. But that's why they play the games, right? One swing, one throw, or one catch can change an inning and possibly a game, so let's see what kind of damage we do.

By the way if you haven't noticed, no hockey chatter today. C'est la vie when trying to beat the best-of-the-best in our softball league!

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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