Sunday, 28 May 2017

HBIC Summer Reading

Life, as I know it, has become increasingly busy with the summer months upon us. In fact, 2017 as a whole has been crazy busy, and I realize there are parts of this blog that have been neglected. One of those parts is Teebz's Book Club, and I am going to make a wholehearted effort to start reading books again. I love reading and I love learning, and I really want to bring some book recommendations to light for you, readers, for your reading options this summer as well. In saying that, the stack of books isn't getting any smaller.

Starting the day the Stanley Cup Playoffs end, I'm going to take to reading whenever I have a spare moment. I want to squeeze as many books into the summer this year as humanly possible depending on how busy I am. I have older and newer books that need spines cracked, and it bothers me when I see them sitting on the bookshelf awaiting my eyes.

You may also have noticed that the articles on HBIC seem to be "mailed in" lately. This hasn't been done by design, but I feel they have fallen below the standards that I once set for this blog. Some of that is due to how busy I've been - particularly over the last few weeks - but it won't be used an excuse for the quality of the articles. I plan on doing some more historical articles this summer that look at a number of interesting things, but I really want to open this blog up as well.

Folks, I love reader submissions. I really would love to see more of them. My opinion will always hang over this blog, but getting alternate points of view makes everyone think harder about issues and news. Do you have an itch to write about something, but don't want to commit to deadlines or a schedule? HBIC is for you. You're welcome to submit articles whenever you like, and I'll post them as long as they deal with something in or about hockey.

Hate the shootout? Come up with something better.
Got insight on a draft pick? Spread the word.
You do hockey art? I'd be happy to post some artwork.
What made you fall in love with hockey? Tell your story.

In short, there are a ton of things about which one could write. I've been doing this for a decade, so my thoughts are out in the ether already. However, your stories aren't, and that's what interests me. I love hearing other stories or getting insight from fans in another market about any hockey topic. If you have an itch to get something off your chest, fire me your article and I'll get it posted!

I was feeling a little burned out towards the start of May, but it's time to double-down on my efforts and get this blog back up to the standard to which I hold it and myself. If you want to help, I certainly could use it as well!

Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice!

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